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Equality, diversity and inclusion

DATA-CAN is committed to having a positive impact on equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) through our work in health data research.

As one of eight Health Data Research UK hubs, we fully endorse the HDR UK statement on diversity and inclusion and will continue to work with them and other stakeholders to embrace diverse perspectives, populations, communities and skills in the data research community. 

As a partnership of six organisations, DATA-CAN is well placed to promote EDI in the UK health data ecosystem. If we are to improve care and experience for underrepresented communities, we need to understand the reasons for inequalities and how we can effect change.

As we continue to grow and develop as a research hub, we will be taking the following steps to drive EDI across our projects:

DATA-CAN will also embed EDI within our work:

DATA-CAN will review our EDI work on an annual basis. If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to get involved, please email

Please find additional posts around fairness here: