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Professor Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall is Clinical Lead for DATA-CAN

Geoff is also Professor of Digital Health and Cancer Medicine at the University of Leeds and an honorary consultant in medical oncology at the Leeds Cancer Centre. He qualified (MB, ChB) from the University of Sheffield in 1990 and a fellow of the college (FRCP) in 2003. As a medical oncologist, he treats women with gynaecological cancer and leads an active portfolio of research trials in the area.

As the Chief Clinical Information Officer for Leeds Teaching Hospitals, he provides clinical leadership to the wider informatics strategy at the trust including the development and delivery of PPM+, the trust wide electronic patient record and the Leeds Care Record, the integrated digital care record for all health and social care providers for all Leeds patients.

As the Professor of Digital Health at the University of Leeds, he leads a programme of research in cancer informatics and data analytics with research funding from the MRC, NIHR, Cancer Research UK and Macmillan Cancer Support. He is a co-applicant on the Leeds Digital Pathology programme (NPIC) and a clinical lead for the Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for Healthcare.