Kathy has led the development of the London Cancer integrated cancer system, which focuses cancer care on the needs of the patient. She is Programme Director for the Integrated Cancer Programme at UCLPartners and Chief Medical Officer for London Cancer. Through these roles she has led the development of the London Cancer integrated cancer system, a new way of organising cancer care in north central and east London and west Essex, which focuses cancer care on the needs of the patient.
Kathy is one of the UK’s foremost experts in childhood cancer, has been a consultant in the field for 20 years and is currently professor of paediatric oncology at the UCL Institute of Child Health and honorary consultant oncologist at Great Ormond Street NHS Foundation Trust.
She heads a laboratory for research into the molecular biology of childhood renal tumours, principally Wilms’ Tumour. Her group is researching improving risk stratification and more personalised treatment made possible by molecular medicine, to give children the best chance of a long-term cure without undue risky and potentially damaging side-effects.
Kathy is one of four key leaders of the major FP7 funded European Network for Cancer research in Children and Adolescents (ENCCA) and Vice Chair of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) Renal Tumours Study Group, responsible for phase I-III clinical trials in Europe.