Libby Cooper is Chair of the PPIE group for Data-Can and sits on the Management Group and Steering Group. In 1998 Libby underwent treatment for ovarian cancer and in 2009 for breast cancer; during the 80s she supported her mother through chemotherapy and radiotherapy for breast cancer, and in 2011 she supported her husband through treatment for prostate cancer.
These experiences helped her serve effectively as a Research Insight Panel Member for CRUK and a PPI representative for CRICK which led to her desire to become involved with Data-Can. She is a Lay Panel member for the UCL/UCLH Biomedical Research Centre and acts as a Review Panel Member for their PPI Bursary Fund; she reviews proposals for the NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre; is a PPI representative for INSIGHT (HDR UK Hub), for KINGS TROOP PPI group regarding orthopaedic research; and for FOXTROT bowel cancer clinical trials. She is also a member of The CRICK Institute’s Animal Welfare and Ethics Review Panel.
Libby’s PPI experiences have convinced her that the voice of the patient is a priceless asset. She strongly believes that medical researchers benefit from seeing things through the eyes of patients to better understand what outcomes matter most to them and, having worked for more than 25 years in many countries, she has a particular interest in analysing patient data to make comparisons between countries. This view was heavily influenced by her roles as Director of The Community Research Advisory Centre at North London University; as the founder and Director of Charities Evaluation Services; and then as Director of Amber Analysis – each of the organisations were involved in using research as an important influencer of change.