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  4. Sue Trant

Sue Trant

Sue has been involved with DATA-CAN PPIE since January 2020.

She is a retired nurse and midwife with over 40 years experience working for the NHS and has a Master of Science (MSc) in Clinical Research Methods, University of Leeds (2017) funded through the National Institute for care and health research (NIHR). She has always been interested in data and research which she uses to inform her practice. Sue is fully aware how the power of data can influence decision making in order to improve the patient experience, their treatment, care and outcomes.

Sue is an ‘Expert by Experience’ having been on the cancer journey in 2011 for breast cancer undergoing surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy and immunological therapies. She has supported many friends and public with cancer diagnoses.

Sue is a qualified Complementary Therapist and uses her skills to help those troubled by the side effects of their cancer treatments and to help them maintain a positive well being attitude.

Sue’s leisure activities include foreign travel and gardening.